Displaying 1 - 30 of 716 in total

Does God Know What Will Happen to Me?

Okay, so this amazing thing happend to me, today.  Did God plan that?  The answer is, yes.  He has a plan for you and he will help you finish it.  

How Can My Plans, be God's Plans?

These three letters, PGF, should resonate in your life.  They are, "Put God First".  Remember the one who created you is also the one who will help chart your life sto...

How Can I Turn a Bad Moment Into a Good Moment?

This is called a pivitol moment, when two or more factors come together in a person's life to determine a directional change.  Simply, you have been presented with the...

What is a Pivotal Life Moment?

A pivotal moment just might be the day you gave your life to Jesus.  Beyond that beautiful transformation, you were designed to respond to His call.  Congratulations.

How Does God Judge Us?

Simpley, how we manage the gifts and talents God gives us.  Listen for direction and follow His advice.  

Why Does God Care About Me?

We are God's crowning achievement.  Do you believe that?  We are also still a work in progress.  God is in control.

Does God Permit Mistakes?

Yes, because of God's mercy.  Life is not only about what we choose, but whom we choose.  It's time to choose the Lord, Jesus Christ.

How Can I Use The Gift of Time?

For a younger person, time moves slowly.  For an older person, time flashes by.  Spend your time on earth loving God, and he will make sure those minutes and hours are...

How Does God Measure, Me?

Simply, we are measured by our capacity to love others and serve Him.  Do you have a heart of compassion?

How Can I Share The Love of God, Today?

You don't need a holiday to share the love of God.  Every day brings new opportunities.

What Makes Me Acceptable to God?

Loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength is a great path to connecting to God.  His promise gives blessings for every day of your life.  

Is Dependency Healthy?

God intended for there to be dependency in a relationship.  He also gives us guidance on how to manage dependency.

Is Dependency Good?

Yes, because it's about balance and should project love, strength and commitment.

What is Dependency?

Do you rely on someone else?  We all do.  Some do it better than others.

How Can I Be Successful?

Quick answer:  Be accountable.  Simple, huh?

How is Fear Related to Anger?

Anger exists in all areas of life, simply because fear is impossible to avoid.  Step one, believe that you are where God has placed you.  Then, let him take you throug...

What is Gender Delineation?

Here's the truth.  God loves His world and will not permit it to evolve into chaos.  Need some good advice?  Don't ask your neighbor, turn to God for a powerful conver...

How Can I Feel More Secure?

Whatever you're facing today, believe that God will empower you to stay within his boundaries and fulfill his plans for your life.  You're not in this life, alone.

How Can Faith Give Me Comfort?

Faith is a relationship with God, and that relationship never dims, is always available, and will always help us discover the right path in life.  God is waiting to he...

How Can I Be Faithful to God?

God knows who we are and what we will accomplish in life.  He has written our story.  To live life in his plan is to make each day, a day that connects with him.  Simp...

How Can I Be Successful?

We all have positive attributes, and yes, we all come with a few flaws.  Dignity and integrity are a part of being successful.  It's never about the money, it's all ab...

How Can I Tell Someone of my Grief?

As a man or woman, we express grief differently.  But expressing grief is necessary for healing.  Turn to God and ask Him how to do that.

How Can I Regain Dignity?

Life can tear at the fabric of who we are.  That's not easy to accept.  But you can recover with the help of God.

How Can I Manage Life Changes?

So, how do you deal with life changes?  Staying at home, instead of going to work?  LIfe has a way of asking us to do things differently.  That's not easy, but it IS p...

How Can I Overcome Challenges?

No one in life avoids challenges.  The most important and toughest thing is to submit and accept each challenge with the vision that we have the roadmap to move past i...

What Happens if I Let God Down?

God has a powerful connection in our lives.  He can and does direct our steps.  But sometimes we choose to ignore his message.  God also understands that we are someti...

How Can I Find God's Purpose for Me?

Simple.  Stop trying and start listening.  We are in such a hurry with our own agenda.  How about taking a moment to ask God to show us the way.  Like I said, simple.

How Can I Deal With Change?

Look to Jesus to help change your way of thinking and make you into a new person.  You don't have to do it alone.  He is there and always will be.

How Can I Make This My Best Year Ever?

Our world always faces overwhelming challenges.  It's up to you and me to follow a path that brings peace and hope.  Starting with a strong relationship with Jesus Chr...

Can I Find Joy Through God?

God is always at work to help us move through the bad times and correct mistakes that will keep them from happening over and over.  Allow him to be part of every minut...

© 2020 Olen C. Baker