Displaying 661 - 668 of 668 in total
Passion and Desire
We are in too much of a hurry for gratification, and that hurried behavior always leads to building a bridge to failure. So, what's your hurry?
God Centered Relationships
We sometimes tend to blame others for a relationship gone bad. But have we looked to God for an answer?
Passion is Powerful - Be Careful
The word passion has a negative connotation many times and for good reason. How do you approach passion in your life?
A Superior Attitude
There are times we puff out our chests with pride and false importance. This is not what God intended for us to do.
Choices Come With Responsibility
We are given the free will to make choices in our lives. But those choices come with responsibilities. Are you equipped to choose how you will respond in a Godly way?
Intelligence vs. Impatience
If you think you're smarter than God, think again. If your values aren't in alignment with God, you've got a problem.
Impatience Brings Failure
As we sometimes act impulsively, like Sampson, we find that the negative fall out quickly overcomes any expectations of joy.
Power over Passion
Passion in our lives here on earth is nothing short of a destructive path with an unfortunate outcome. Use the power of God in your life to overcome this.