Displaying episodes 121 - 150 of 580 in total

How Can I Avoid Worry?

Like the song says "grab your coat and get your hat, leave your worries on the doorstep".  Not so easy to do, is it?

How Can I Stop Worrying?

Worry is like a speed bump and we see what can go wrong.  Worry distorts reality.  By trusting God, because he is on your side, whatever the needs are, a solution will...

Is There a Solution for Procrastination?

Indifference indicates an attitude of apathy or lack of feelings.  God did not design you to fail or suffer mediocrity.  Trust his word to pull you back and redirect y...

What Gives Indifference its Power?

Indifference is dangerous because it can quickly become permanent.  God is willing to give you a fresh start, with a clean heart.  All you have to do is ask.

How Can I fight Against Procrastination?

Procrastination has the power to blunt your conscience.  With that, guilt and shame looses its intensity.  Ask God to replace indifference with a renewed love for Jesu...

How are Procrastination and Avoidance Alike?

Did you ever not feel guilty for failing to be responsible?  God's message is, confess, repent, seek forgiveness and make amends.  Sounds simple, but it's not always e...

What are the Consequences of Procrastination?

Wait for it...procrastination leads to failure and disaster.  Purpose, through God can turn things around...today.

How Can I Prevent Procrastination From Becoming a Habit?

"Tomorrow, every fault will be corrected, yet tomorrow never comes."  The words of Benjamin Franklin.  Smart guy.  How about you.  Does something need to be done...today?

How Can I Manage My Time, Better?

Time, your time, is a gift from God.  It is written, "there is a time for everything, a season for every activity under the sun".  So, let every minute become a precio...

How Can I Avoid Procrastination?

Simply, when we procrastinate, we stumble what could be the conduit for our success.  What do you need to do right now, today, the get that path to success in motion?

How Can I Avoid Bad Habits?

Good habits are beneficial.  Bad habits can be a stumbling block to your walk with God.  Bad habits are like darkness.  Jesus, the light of the world can get you on th...

How Do I Overcome Laziness?

Think about the things you do on a regular basis.  Include the good stuff and the not so good stuff.  The Bible says " if a man is lazy, his rafters sag, and if his ha...

Why Can't I Overcome Prejudice?

W.C. Fields was quoted as saying, "I am free of all prejudice.  I hate everyone equally."  Have you considered how you learned prejudice?  Beyond that, have you consid...

What Is Prejudice?

There are good habits and bad habits.  One of the most destructive habits humans acquire, is being prejudice.  That and other harmful habits can be destructive to the ...

Are Habits Necessary?

Sow a habit, reap a character.  Sow a character, reap a destiny.  Habits are necessary and when they align with what God has in store for our lives, those good habits ...

How Can I Overcome a Bad Habit?

Habits are part of our life.  Second nature for everyone.  Breaking those habits that are harmful can be tough.  God can help move those bad habits, to good habits tha...

How Can I Stop Habitual Lying?

Being truthful.  For most, it's part of who we are.  For others, it's simply not possible, because they have built a path so deep and dark that lying becomes a perceiv...

What Gives Addictions Power?

The power to break bad habits comes from permitting Jesus Christ to create in you, a new way of thinking and has control over the old thought patterns.  You DO have th...

What Gives Habits Power?

Have you be against the cutting edge of a powerful, embarrassing habit that is hard to break?  Habit start out as cobwebs and turn into shackles.  God has the power to...

How Do Habits Seize Control?

A bad habit can be what causes pain and suffering.  It might not be alcohol, tobacco, or food.  The power of a habit, either good or bad, will shape who we are and det...

Can a Bad Habit Be Conquered?

What makes bad habits hard to break is they are often welcomes, enjoyed and even believed to be beneficial.  Bad habits have power over you.  God has the power to help...

How Can I Nurture Someone?

Nurturing, not an easy task.  It provides reassurance in situations that appear hopeless.  It rises above anger and revenge.  Do you have a tough time nurturing someon...

Does Criticism and Fault-Finding Work?

Criticism and fault-finding is an unproductive method of changing someone's behavior.  It is also hurtful and emotionally damaging.  Is that how you approach someone? ...

Is Nurturing a Necessity?

Compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  These are all attributes of nurturing.  With these, nurturing is possible.  

How is Compassion Related to Forgiveness?

When God for gives us he completely forgets our sins.  Sometimes we have a tough time following his lead.  Is that hard for you, as well?

What Does Forgiveness Include?

Words verbalize what's in the heart.  Beyond that, words demonstrate sincerity.  True forgiveness leads to behaviors that builds a person up.  Can you do that?

Why Should I Forgive?

So here's the deal.  God does not hold grudges.  And neither should you.  Follow his example by forgiving others.  You will not regret it.

What Makes an Apology Sincere?

It's not about you.  It's about the other person.  If you are reluctant to be humble, remember that Jesus humbled himself and died on the cross just for you.  So, can ...

Why Should I Apologize?

Can you do it?  Can you humble yourself with humility?  An apology restores fellowship and peace to a relationship.  Without an apology, reconciliation will never happ...

How Can I Apologize?

An apology is necessary because it opens the door to forgiveness.  It is also the beginning of reclaiming your self-respect.  Holding onto hurt does nothing good, and ...

© 2020 Olen C. Baker